Thursday 10 July 2014

The Antagonists: The Backstories 1 and 2

Getting an insight

Each character needs a backstory. A reason why they act the way they do.
It brings them to life, allowing the player to delve into a different side of these characters, providing a stronger in game experience. 
My aim is to write a concise yet descriptive story for each, 500 - 1000 words per antagonist.
Here are two backstories I have drafted, they haven't been polished yet but show the bare bones of the characters'  lives, Morigan's story is a bit long at the moment but when I can gauge the lengths of the other stories I will make them all a similar word count.

The Tormented

A small orphaned baby was left abandoned; he had no one, no possessions and no hope. One night a man found the boy close to death with strange disfiurations on his face and body. The boy was taken to a prison camp where scientists ran tests on him, added other parts so he was no longer human. He never left the prison, he couldn't, they embedded a chip into his nervous system, if he got to close to the iron gates he would feel unimaginable agony. He grew into a young man who knew no other life, just pain and suffering. He was alone.

One cold night the guards were drinking and taunting him with food. Anger coursed through his veins, it unlocked an animalistic strength he had never felt before, he was hungry, very hungry. The Tormented broke free from his cell and ripped the guards to shreds. There was a massacre, the screams could be heard for miles as The Tormented gave no mercy, devouring everyone in the prison.

The Tormented tried to leave but he almost killed himself, he was paralyzed for days as the shock surged through his body, he was trapped. He eventually made the prison his home, brutally killing anyone who tries to enter.


A woman born with a heart of pure evil. 

Morigan killed her younger sister, Lilian, when she was five years old. On Lillian's 3rd birthday she was given a doll that Morgian wanted. She grabbed the doll from her sisters hands and pushed her into the fireplace. Lilian's screams were eventually heard by their parents who came running in. Morigan just watched. Lillian had severe burns all over her face and body. After 3 days of agony she died. 

Morigan's parents were grieve stricken over the loss of their daughter but believed it was an accident. They had been the greatest candy makers for miles, people would come from far and wide to try their unique creations but it was all falling apart. They smothered Morigan too much; they kept an eye on her all day everyday, she wasn't allowed to go out and she was frequently nagged about staying safe. Morigan had had enough. After school she searched for her mums' sleeping draught. With a grin on her face she ground up all the pills and when her mother was cooking dinner Morigan poured it in. She waited for her parents to go to bed then snuck out into the factory adjoining the house, where the candy was made, and heated up the syrup. When syrup was boiling she carefully lifted the vat and made her way to her parents bedroom. With one swift motion she poured the entire contents on both her parents. They screamed but couldn't move, after 10 minutes they were unconcous and eventually died. 

Higher beings had been watching her, waiting. After the last action of evil they transported her to her own personal hell. 
Anyone can stumble into the garden of sugar, it isn't well known throughout the all the deminsions. People can get lost when getting from one to the other. As Morigan increases her powers she can alter certain passage ways. The lost are the easiest to hunt.

Morigan uses her good looks to attract men to ensure her immortality, with one touch she absorbs there souls as they writhe in agony. She has learnt to use the candy surrounding her to entice children. Morigan then traps the children and uses their innocent souls to bring her gingerbread men and gummy bear slaves to life. They are forced to work day and night answering to her every whim and ensuring that more victims come to the deadly garden of sugar.

Thanks for reading. X

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